Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Hello and welcome to our first entry of our first blog. 

We have created this blog to chronical our family's journey to a healthier lifestyle.  Our big goal? The 2010 Walt Disney World Marathon. But there are so many smaller goals to reach along the way and that we will continue strive for beyond the finish of the marathon. 

We have started healthier eating habits. We have eliminated soda entirely from the house. We are conscious of which foods contain trans fats, high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners and eliminate them as well as much as possible. We strive for fresh foods. This includes lots of fruits and veggies of course (veggies being the tough one for me - very picky) but also fewer premade, prepackaged, preservative laden foods as well. Now lets face the truth here ... these are GOALS. The reality is when raising three small children you always need to have on hand something quick, INSTANT, before your children melt like the wicked witch of the west in the Wizard of Oz. But we are trying to be more conscious of our food choices and the examples we are setting for our children.

We have started exercising. Josh has dropped 40lbs since February. Together we reached the 7 mile mark on one of our long runs. Easy? No. Fast? No. But we are doing it and making it happen. 

We have set our big goal. The 2010 Walt Disney World Marathon in January! We have joined Team All Ears, a team of individuals coming together through a love of Disney, a goal of running the half or full WDW marathon, and an effort to raise money and awareness for breast cancer research. Please visit www.allears.net/debwills for more information about the founder of allears.net and breast cancer survivor, Deb Wills. You my make a donation one of two ways: you may click the link on Deb's web page - be sure to enter "team allears - Gidlewski" on the comments line - or you may mail a check to: 

Josh and Cailin Gidlewski 
PO Box #####
Charlestown, MA 02129

Please check back often as we will keep blogging our training.

Cailin Gidlewski